Artist’s Statement
the time I was young, I kept a journal. However, my entries consisted
more of scribbled notes and sketches than the typical "Dear Diary. . .
" Now, I use those random records and compositions, along with
nostalgic literature and lyrics to feed my visual form of
As second oldest of nine children, I kept my thoughts private by using
mirror-writing, which was inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci's scientific
studies. I now use that style of writing within my art (as well as in
my signature). I feel that this helps to distort the language that,
while significant, is not the focal point of the work. Words are merely
used as a backdrop or side note to the art as a whole.
Kristin Abraham is an award-winning artist born December of 1982 in Rochester, New York. Prior to pursuing a full time career as a fine artist, Abraham moved
to Southwest Florida and apprenticed with artist Cary diValentin. She
then went on to teach art at the intermediate and high school
From November of 2005 until December of 2006, Abraham dedicated an
entire year to a conceptual art project titled The Nomadic Project. She
is now known nationally for depicting her American journey through art.
Kristin Abraham’s paintings are loaded
with symbolism and simple images that speak of stories long forgotten
or not yet told. In her most recent pieces, she incorporates the
handwritten words within the composition to enhance the subject matter.
By age twenty-four, Abraham's work had been exhibited in museums, galleries and art centers nation-wide. She was recognized by the National Society of Arts and Letters, published in the Kennedy Promotions “Best Of
Florida” book, and awarded an Artist’s Achievement Grant from the state of Florida.
Some of the galleries known to exhibit Abraham's art include, but are
not limited to The Whistler House Museum (Lowell, MA), The Ramsey
Museum (Honolulu, HI), Aesthetic Eye Gallery (Chicago, IL) and
Ward-Nasse Gallery (NY, NY). Abraham's work can also be found in
private collections throughout the U.S. and Europe.