We arrived in South Carolina at 3:09 pm on Dec. 4th, 2006 |

State Capital in Columbia, South Carolina |

We visited Congaree National Park. This Park preserves the largest
tract of old growth bottomland hardwood forest left in the United
States. |

Kristin decided she wanted to live inside a hollowed out tree at Congaree. |

Sunshine through the Slash Pines |

Sweet grass baskets for sale in Charleston. Sweetgrass basket making was
brought to South Carolina by slaves who came from West Africa. |

The streets of Charleston reminded us of Savannah |

Putting on a facade. |

St. Philip's Episcopal Church, a National Historic Landmark in Charleston, SC |

In Charleston many beautiful and historic houses sit long the waterfront in an area known as "Rainbow Row" |

Browsing the galleries at The Aiken Center for the Arts |

We dropped off the North Carolina inspired piece, "Angle of Incidence"
to be displayed at the Aiken Center for the Arts in Aiken, SC |